The following information was taken from the National Insurance Scheme Website – click here for further details.
What is the Survivors’ Grant or Pension?
On the death of an insured person, who was receiving or eligible for Invalidity or Old Age Contributory Benefit, a grant/pension is paid to his/her surviving spouse and children.
NB: If the deceased had qualified for a grant, the Survivors’ Benefit would be a lump sum while if the deceased had qualified for a pension the benefit would be a pension.
How much is it?
If you’re a widow or widower you’d receive ½ of the Invalidity or Old Age Contributory Benefit that your deceased spouse would have gotten if he/she were alive.
If you’re a child you’d receive 1/6 of the amount your parent would have received if he/she were alive. But if you are an orphan or invalid you may receive 1/3. Also if your surviving parent is not entitled to Survivors’ Benefit you are likely to receive the full amount.
My adult son lives in his own home. If his father dies will he receive Survivors’ Benefit?
No, the benefit is payable only to children (adopted or step) who are:
- Living with, or otherwise wholly maintained by the deceased insured person.
- Under 16 years old or under full-time education at an approved educational institution, in which case the benefit is payable until the child turns 25.
- Invalids – the child will be entitled to Survivors’ Benefit as long as his invalidity lasts.
For more information, review the NIS Guide to Benefits booklet on their website.
To learn more visit the National Insurance Scheme website.