+1246 429-8129
Eagle Hall Main Road | St. Michael | Barbados


Planning A Funeral

The trauma and sorrow of losing a loved one make it very difficult to engage in the analysis and decision-making of funeral arrangements. The many services that Downes & Wilson provides facilitate what is really a very personal decision, an expression of your feelings, and your final tribute to the personality and taste of your loved one.
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Benefits – Survivors’ Grant

What is the Survivors’ Grant or Pension? On the death of an insured person, who was receiving or eligible for Invalidity or Old Age Contributory Benefit, a grant/pension is paid to his/her surviving spouse and children.
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Benefits – Funeral Grant

The funeral grant is $2,120. It is payable: On the death of an insured person, who was receiving or eligible for sickness benefit, maternity benefit, unemployment benefit, invalidity benefit or old age contributory benefit If the spouse of an eligible insured person dies Under any circumstance of death including death caused by an employment injury or an occupational disease
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